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Academic Journals

Academic journals are periodicals in which researchers publish their findings, mostly the recent ones. Academic journals are typically peer-reviewed journals that publish theoretical discussions and articles that critically review already published work. Academic journals serve as an important forum for researchers and academicians from where they can access important information about recent developments in their field. These journals are the first choice for any in-depth examination of an issue related to science. Science as we know is scarcely imaginable without the academic journal. Academic Journals fall under the academic category as they strictly adhere to peer-review process and follow the format by publishing mostly the original work. Academic journals publish periodically and contain a series of articles in each published issue.

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The term academic journal applies to all scholarly publications in the fields of Engineering, Technology, Pure and Applied Sciences, Humanity and Social Sciences are following quantitative and qualitative research techniques. In content, academic journals usually consist of articles that present one's original research as well as reviews of previous works. Theoretical discussions and articles are published here after a critical review process. Already published works such as books are subjected to review. All academic journals observe periodicity or the frequency of release such as monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual. Academic or professional publications that do not undergo peer-review are called professional magazines.

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