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Article Processing Fees
Similar to other publishing companies, there is no paper, no mailing, no subscriptions, and no restriction against using and sharing articles published in our journals. But we do have to pay for maintaining published articles in online repositories. In addition, articles need graphics, formatting, and the editing services we provide, in order to meet rigorous academic standards. Like any other open access publishing company, has paid employees, close to 2,000.
It is for the above reasons that we charge article processing fees. Article processing fees vary from journal to journal.
Please contact your specific journal with questions. Email addresses can be found on each journal's homepage.
Author Withdrawal Policy
From time to time, an author may wish to withdraw a manuscript after submitting it.
Changing one’s mind is an author’s prerogative. And an author is free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it is withdrawn within 5 days of its initial submission.
If you have concerns or questions about it, please contact us for further discussion. We welcome your input.