Coronary heart disease occurs due to blockage of the artery that supply the blood to the artery called coronary artery. The blockage may occur due to the formation of plaque in the coronary artery. As a result of this plaque formation there is reduced supply of the blood to the heart. With time the plaque may harden and may make the coronary artery to rupture. Because of this there may be blood clot formation in the coronary artery. Once the blood clot is formed it cause complete blockage of the coronary artery hence affecting the blood supply to the heart. This condition is also called atherosclerosis. As a result of this plaque or blood clot the person may suffer from high blood pressure, chest pain and even heart attack. The diagnosis can be done by electrocardiograph and multifunctional cardiogram. It can be treated by bypass grafting, or by using certain drugs or by surgery that involves removal of plaque and clot.
Last date updated on March, 2025