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organized by are aimed to share preventive & management strategies for Obesity epidemic. Excessive adipose tissue in relation to fat-free mass results in obesity. Obesity has an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and increased health issues.
Overweight and obesity has proceeded as one of the most regular global issues as it is affecting more than a billion adults worldwide. Both general and abdominal obesity have been shown as risk factors contributing for morbidity and mortality. Major global organizations have focused today on speedy treatment and prevention strategies for this epidemic which has been recognized to pose drastic threat to public health. Obesity results in reduced quality of life. This global health issue is becoming more prevalent among women and in lower social classes or immigrants; while over weight is increasing especially among children.
a distinguished scientific event organizer conducts in major countries of USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia-pacific with the support of 50,000 Editorial Board members of 700+ 天美传媒 Access Journals. held at various locations of the world which include workshops and scientific symposia arranged in parallel to the plenary sessions where issues are debated and solutions are arrived on contemporary research topics connected to the conference focus or theme.
Despite the incredible attention devoted to health and wellness, over the past 30 years, the percentage of people worldwide considered overweight (BMI ≥ 25 to <30) or obese (BMI ≥ 30) increased 28% in adults and 47% in children, according to the 2013 Global Burden of Disease Study. The study reports that in 2013, an estimated 2.1 billion people- nearly 30% of the global population- were overweight or obese. As the numbers suggest, obesity is not just a problem in the developed world. Although obesity rates are lower in developing markets, 62% of the world’s 671 million obese individuals live in developing markets and rates are accelerating.
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