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Physical therapy or physiotherapy aims at providing relief to patients suffering from bone and joint ailments by promoting mobility. Interventions used in physiotherapy involve both physical and mechanical modalities in combination with physical exercises. By carefully following scientifically proven techniques in a systematic order, the physiotherapist improves the mobility of the organs in living with physical ailments like polio, paralysis, pre and post orthopedic surgeries and fractures. Physiotherapy as a science is also deals with research, education, consultation and administration.
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journals Impact Factors List |
Journal Name | Journal Impact Factor* | Citations Report |
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies (jnp)
7.24 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
Citations Report |
Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education (jcmhe)
10.47 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
Citations Report |
Journal of Pain & Relief (jpar)
4.02 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
Citations Report |
Biochemistry & Physiology: 天美传媒 Access (bcp)
4.01 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
Citations Report |
Journal of Orthopedic Oncology (joo)
0.34 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
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Journal of Osteoarthritis (joas)
- | - |
Evidence based medicine and practice (ebmp)
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Aerobics & Fitness (jafo)
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Journal of Nutrition Science Research (SNT)
1.25 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
Citations Report |
Journal of Medical Physiology & Therapeutics (jmpt)
- | - |
Journal of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (jcpr)
0.30 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
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