Would you like to influence university strategy? Do you want to make a difference to the future at BU? Do you want to meet other students to talk about big questions that will impact those who follow you? The Vice-Chancellor’s Student Strategic Insights and Opportunities Network (³Õ¾±³§Â²±õ°¿±·) is just what you are looking for.

³Õ¾±³§Â²±õ°¿±· is made up of students from across BU who will work in partnership with BU in order to inform strategic developments and future direction. Members will be co-creators of their own experience at BU and influence the experience of students in the future. ³Õ¾±³§Â²±õ°¿±· gives students an exciting new opportunity to influence decisions being made at BU and to help BU deliver its BU2025 strategy. The outcomes from the ³Õ¾±³§Â²±õ°¿±· will influence decision-making throughout BU.

³Õ¾±³§Â²±õ°¿±· members can expect to learn more about BU, about our goals for the future as set out in our BU2025 strategic plan, and how we aim to implement that plan. You will have the opportunity to learn about the leadership of a large organisation by engaging with leaders from across BU and discussing projects, challenges and opportunities.

We expect ³Õ¾±³§Â²±õ°¿±· members to engage in activities by working in partnership with BU staff and leaders. ³Õ¾±³§Â²±õ°¿±· members must be proactive, prepare for meetings and be willing to participate fully in discussions.

We expect to hold three events between November and April. They will, as far as possible, be face to face events, between 6 and 8pm, on a Tuesday or Thursday evening. We expect all members to attend all the events. We will also provide some pre-reading material and a pre-session survey for members to complete, and we will expect you to do an hour of preparation ahead of each event.

We want to make sure that students from all levels, all disciplines and all backgrounds have the opportunity to participate in this network, including post-graduate research students.

If you are interested, please contact [email protected].