Acupuncture is one in the oldest healing practices in the world and considered to be a part of complementary and alternative medicine and important part of chinese medicine. Stimulation of specific acupoints in the body involving by application of heat, pressure, by penetration of thin needles and use of laser light. Acupuncture is being widely practiced by physicians, dentists, acupuncturists, and other practitioners for relief or prevention of pain and for various other health conditions. Practitioners use a new set of disposable needles for each patient and swab treatment sites with alcohol or another disinfectant before inserting needles. When not delivered properly, acupuncture can cause serious adverse effects, including infections and punctured organs.
Journal of Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine is the best peer-reviewed journals in related to traditional, alternative, herbal medicine scope journals from OMICS International publishing group. Articles published in this peer-reviewed journal have a rapid peer review process and are reviewed by at least two reviewers form the related expertise fields. Two comments like major and minor is followed for quality of the articles and final decision rests on the editor for the respective articles from editorial board of the journal.
Journal of Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine peer review journals covers the broader scopes stressing on the topics of Homeopathy, ayurveda, unani, siddha, cupping therapy, yoga including but not limited to the above discussed fields.
OMICS Group is one of the best international publishers with 700+ peer-reviewed journals along with eminent scientists in its Editorial Board and expert reviewers to carry rigorous peer-review process. The peer review process is highly appreciated by researchers globally. In addition to peer review open-access publishing, OMICS also provides E-books, Scholar Central and more than 3000+ International Scientific Conferences under its umbrella.
Last date updated on January, 2025