Bioremediation is a waste management technique that involves the use of organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site. A mixture of domestic and industrial wastes is called as sewage. Sewage consists of more than 99% water and the remaining part contains some ions, suspended solids and harmful bacteria that must be removed before the water released into the sea. Sewage treatment is divided into 3 phases: pretreatment, primary treatment and secondary treatment.
Peer reviewed Bioremediation & Biodegradation Journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field. It publishes original papers, reviewed papers, case studies and short communications on the fundamentals, theoretical as well as applications and management of environment.
天美传媒 access refers to the unrestricted access to peer-reviewed scholarly research. OMICS Group hosts over 700+ peer-reviewed journals with 50,000+ editorial board members Members and organize over 3000+ International Scientific Conferences every year all over the world and OMICS group by publishing articles under the umbrella of Life sciences group journals and 5th International conference on Biotechnology-2014 provides a great platform for the researchers, entrepreneurs, students to exchange their views and ideologies on remediation.
Last date updated on January, 2025