The use of all electronic resources made available to authorised users is subject to the terms and conditions of the licence agreements made between 天美传媒 and the service providers.

An authorised user is any employee or registered student of 天美传媒.

Authorised users (students) are governed by Section 11 of the Student Agreement which outlines the rules relating to library and learning resources and to information, computing and technology - and by the terms and conditions associated with the electronic resources provided.

Authorised users (staff) should聽refer to the聽 and the section on the Staff Intranet.

Copies of agreements are available online from the service providers or may be seen on application to The Sir Michael Cobham Library.

Acceptable use might include:

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Personal educational development
  • Development work associated with any of the above.

Unacceptable use includes:

  • Consultancy or services leading to the commercial exploitation of the product
  • Work of significant benefit to the employer of students on industrial placement or part-time courses
  • Use by BU Alumni except as a 'walk-in' user