Infertility is defined as the absence of pregnancy in a couple
of reproductive age till 24 months of regular and unprotected
sexual intercourses. Several factors were identified: demographic,
socioeconomic, psychological and medico-surgical factors. Gabon
distinguishes itself by a low birthrate (3.5%) and a low demography
(1,500,000 inhabitants in 2005). In our context, managing infertile
couples is difficult and not organized. Difficulties lie in the low level of
the social status of most of our patients which provides with a limited
access to modern means for investigating infertility, in addition to
which there is the scarcity of technical support centres. Conventional
radiography and ultrasound are currently available. Thus we can easily
perform a Hysterosalpingography (HSG) or a Pelvic Ultrasound (PU).
HSG is a first line examination in our practice in this case. Every
previous series carried out in Gabon and in the rest of sub-Saharan
Africa showed the impact utero-tubal affections in the occurrence of
infertility. We report the results of a descriptive study of women
in infertile couples Libreville. (SIMA OLE B, MAYI TSONGA S,BANG NTAMACK J,AMBOUNDA N, MEYE JF (2013) Analysis of 122 Cases of Hysterosalpingography on Women Infertile in Libreville (Gabon).
Last date updated on January, 2025