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Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health
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Brief Outline of Dr. Mohamed Awad Research Vision

Mohamed Abdelmageed Awad*

Crowns and Bridges Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt and King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author:
Mohamed Abdelmageed Awad
Faculty of Dentistry
King Abdulaziz University
KSA, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966507680301
E-mail: mohamed_awad61@yahoo.com

Received Date: January 05, 2014; Accepted Date: January 20, 2014; Published Date: January 25, 2014

Citation: Awad MA (2014) Brief Outline of Dr. Mohamed Awad Research Vision. J Oral Hyg Health 2:e107. doi:10.4172/2332-0702.1000e107

Copyright: © 2014 Awad MA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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I am Dr. Mohamed Abdelmageed Awad, Associate Professor in Fixed Prosthodontics, Tanta University, Egypt and currently visiting Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. I am also the president of the Egyptian Section of IADR.

I have been researching for more than 25 years in the field of Prosthetic Dentistry, with my major concern on prosthetic materials including; Dental ceramics, fiber reinforced composites, base metal alloys and a variety of dental cements and dental implant materials. I have been also working on many prosthetic techniques related to post and core restorations.

Esthetics is also my concern. I have done much research work on many dental esthetic materials including fiber-reinforced composites and ceramic materials and their use for fixed restorations. In one paper, I have investigated flexural strength of fiber reinforced composite bars and found that the flexural strength is not directly proportioned with the amount of fibers included. On the other hand, when the bars had the same amount of fibers, increasing the distance between the supports would increase the flexural strength in most cases. SEM indicates poor wetting and coupling of fiber bundles by resin in one system [1]. In another paper, I have investigated the performance of fiber reinforced composite materials after application of different bleaching materials. The result was that, the commercial bleaching products investigated either at home or in-office didn’t cause deleterious effect on microhardness of fiber reinforced composite restorative materials. However roughness was increased after using some in office bleaching materials. This paper was published in International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 3 (4): 253-274 [2].

I have also worked on different types of ceramic materials including zirconia on which I have invented a new technique for using CAD/ CAM to fabricate one piece ceramic post and core. It was published in Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 98 (2): 161-162 [3]. Moreover, me and my team have done a finite element analysis comparing this post and core with high noble metal post and core, which was presented in IADR conference, Miami 2009 and published in Journal of Prosthodontics 21: 440-450, 2012 [4]. In that paper, we found that there were no significant differences in the maximum stresses in most of the regions for both models. Thus, this work validates the use of CAD/CAM zirconium material as a dowel and core similar to gold. For this technique, I have been also investigated fracture resistance of anterior teeth restored with it. I presented that paper in International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Conference, March 2013, Washington, Seattle, USA. A significant difference was found between fracture resistances of teeth restored by different foundation restorations. The fracture resistance of teeth restored by one-piece custom-made Y-TZP post and cores had the highest strength compared with control group while the lowest strength was group of teeth restored by fiber post/composite core foundations. Resin cement improves the fracture resistance of all groups.

Another topic I have been working on was color and shade matching. In one paper, I compared the total color difference between natural teeth and fabricated crowns from three ceramic systems with different thicknesses using Vita Easyshade spectrophotometer. In that study, All-ceramic crowns were fabricated from three ceramic systems, Duceram LFC (DLFC), In-Ceram SPINELL (ICS), and IPS Empress (IPSE). Colors of cemented crowns were measured and compared with their corresponding measurements before preparations. It was found that reinforcement of ceramics by alumina for In-Ceram and leucite for Empress decreases color production and that the level of acceptance between the different ceramic materials and thicknesses varied. DLFC showed the highest color matching at all thicknesses followed by ICS and IPSE in descending order. In general, increasing the thickness of fabricated crowns enhances color match. The results were published in Journal of Prosthodontics 22: 472-477, under the title “Color variation between matched and fabricated shade of different ceramics” [5]. In another paper investigating effect of water sorption on color stability of resin veneering materials to fixed restorations, we found that there was a good correlation between water sorption and color stability of resin veneering materials investigated [6]. Another study about effect of porcelain application time on shade matching will be presented in 25th Saudi Dental Society conference in collaboration with the International Association of Dental Research (IADR), Saudi Arabian Section, January, 2014, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Another topic I worked on was about effect of polishing on surface roughness of ceramic materials which was presented in 22nd Saudi Dental Society conference in collaboration with IADR, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 24-26, 2011. Also I presented a research in International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Conference, March 16-19; 2011, San Diego, California, USA namely “Galvanic series of selected base-metal alloys used for prosthetic restorations”.

Paper named “Retention of implant-supported fixed restorations using different provisional luting agents” was published here in Journal of Oral Hygiene and Health 2013; 1(2): 1-4 [7]. We found that there was significant difference between means of retentive forces of provisional cements investigated. Storing and thermocycling of the specimens in artificial saliva for 72 hours caused a significant reduction in the retentive values of most provisional luting agents used. The nature of the retentive failures was adhesive in all luting agents which found at the abutment-cement interface with the cement remnants attached to the casting. The results may help the clinician for selecting luting agent, retentive enough to withstand occlusal forces, yet weak enough to allow easy retrieval of cement-retained fixed restorations.

There are two papers to me accepted and will be published in Tanta Dental Journal, 2014 about “technique to fabricate direct custom- made post with resin pattern” and “fabrication of direct resin custommade core using special mold”. These papers show new technique for fabrication of post and cores [8,9].


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