
ISSN: 2165-7904
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy
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Dieting Makes People Fat

Naurin Abdul Karim*
Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan
Corresponding Author : Naurin Abdul Karim
Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan
Tel: 03153555030
E-mail: naureen.shivji@gmail.com
Received October 22, 2014; Accepted January 13, 2015; Published January 30, 2015
Citation: Karim NA (2015) Dieting Makes People Fat. J Obes Weight Loss Ther 5:242. doi:10.4172/2165-7904.1000242
Copyright: © 2014 Karim NA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Short Communication

“Consume a lesser amount and you will lose weight”.

Although, this is simple piece of advice yet it is hard to accomplish. Physical beauty is one of the most cherished and loved characteristics in human and wise people often say that beautiful people earn more respect and get more opportunities round the globe. For this reason everyone want to look smart and healthy, on the other hand obese and overweight people use many measures to achieve their ideal body weight by approaching slimming centers, and follow strict dieting plans. Their journey, to achieve ideal body weight, if not well planned, may result in more complications and other associated health risks. This expedition is fraught with different dangers and unwanted results. Eventually, these measures although undertaken to reduce weight yet contrarily they increase weight in some individuals. According to World Health Organization (WHO) (2011), a body mass index greater than or equal to 25 is overweight and a body mass index greater than or equal to 30 is obesity.

The practice of dieting is simply to limit and cut down the calories; it is complex to perform because it can be prolific or maybe not, it totally depend on the dieting individual, because the reason of dieting varies where it is observed that it can be due to peer pressure to maintain relationship, cultural norms and social stigma that girls should be slim and skinny. Besides that many people are influenced with trends and media celebrities where they portray and develop fantasy among them.

Many people have sedentary lifestyle and they are least bothered about their diet, and routinely take one component excessively such as carbohydrates or fats containing food which are easily available. At the same time they ignore other vital components of food. World Health Organization (WHO) (2008). Global estimates follows, More than 1.4 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight. Of these overweight adults, over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. Overall, more than 10% of the world’s adult population was obese.

In contrast, many of the people belong from different ethnicity and cultures where they found to be selective in nutrition serving with respect to their values and belief system.

Any diet plan makes you an enemy of food. You don’t look at food in the sense of a source of nourishment and health. Diet plans like, yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling-in which a person loses weight and puts it on again, and so on-have seriously damaging consequences for human body. Since human bodies are programmed for survival, we automatically reduce metabolic rate if there is sudden fall in food intake rate. This happens because human body needs energy for efficient functioning. When people start following diet plans, their food intake reduces dramatically. When this happens, our mind suddenly triggers searching for quick boosting food, like chocolate etc.

Contrary to general belief, the weight loss achieved in the starting phase of crash dieting is not because of fat loss. In the early phase, you lose carbohydrates. This causes you to feel exhausted and unable to perform routine tasks. You also lose water content in your body, this makes your body look slimmer, but actually the fat amount in your body remains the same, conversely the impact of dieting is complicated as practicing dieting is complex and during dieting phase many of the follower track to do shortcut to accomplish their goals for that they do induced vomiting, practice anorexia where they skip their meals, they take laxatives where the perception is that they can reduce fats and these practices help to make them feel lighter but these mal practices are the eating and personality disorders which can impact on the immunity system, can decrease the capacity o f their intellectual and cognitional abilities [1]. In addition, it can alter all the systems and the functions of the body. Moreover; followers of strict dieting always want the easier way out and desire the shortest and quickest route of completing task. They wish for prompt and drastic change in the body frame and appearances. Most of them are not stagnant on their plans due to variable life circumstances, personal stressors, lack of motivation and dissatisfaction of slow weight loss.

Furthermore; science shows that gender based hormones do affect the body weight of human being like testosterone hormones which is present in male’s forms their musculature body and are sooner depleted in response to dieting and physical exercises. In contrast, it is a natural phenomena that estrogen hormone in females causes slower fats dissolution as she has to prepare, shelter, warm and nutritious environment for a baby in their womb during their pregnancy period.

However; some people believe that dieting alone is a solution for weight loss and they will alleviate their problem of obesity. It is an argument that small meals increases satiety where else it is determined as overeating as obese people are found of frequent eating food and this can be associated with higher calories and fat intake. These supporters fail to comprehend that follower should not be sole depend outcome then by doing regular exercises and improving mobility in daily livings.

Globally there are many Countries, where the drug regulatory authorities are either nonexistent or their control over the recognized or unrecognized producers of drugs/herbs is in-effective. Moreover, many quacks claim quick weight reducing herbs in the mass media every now and then. This attractive advertisement coupled with gullible scores of masses in our country enhance the risks or danger such free prescriptions pose to health of those who use such herbs/meds. The laboratories or expertise need to figure out the efficacy and safe of such herb is a big question mark in the developing world. In such ground realities using herbs can be fatal and there are instances where users have to pay huge cost to such risky practices [2].

Further, people suffering from incurable diseases are on look out for miracles to happen. These patients in their sheer desperation easily become prey of these traditional healers. They pay huge prices for these prescriptions and mostly end up with more complications and health issues [3].

Although there may be some good herbs which have been in use for years yet there is a dire need to be extremely cautious while switching to non researched sources of treatment [4].

Balance is a very interesting aspect of life, but in general, we think of it as boring pattern. In my opinion, balance is having your cake and actually eating it too but within rational limits. A general observation suggests that chocolate, potato chips, cheese and bread are top 5 foods that people cannot refuse to eat. 25% start indulging in these food items within one month, after vowing to abstain from them. Truth is that you can actually enjoy your favorite food without disrupting your desired results. The key is maintaining balance. For instance, if you visit a restaurant and you want to enjoy dessert, which is full of carbohydrates and fats, you can make a compromise and order your main dish without these two nutrients. Your dinner can comprise of vegetables and lean protein. For some people, this would look like an unusual arrangement. If you think of it this way, a little more spending on occasions is more beneficial, instead of regular and reckless throwing of money frequently. It maintains order and gives steady development [5].

Dieting can be daunting where you are not mentally prepared to change yourself where an individual need to question himself/herself, why he/she want to diet, what is the purpose of doing dieting, how he/she can modify lifestyle, design goals in realistic manner. It is very much important to consider your work schedule accordingly, so that you can make your dieting plan simple, take advice from the right person, besides keep your self-esteem and motivation at the utmost to achieve desirable goals.

Lastly; balanced diet planning and physical activity can improve the life style of individuals, contrarily if not practiced wisely, it can also lead to the development of obesity which can be stigmatized in the attribute of human beings. The advice of experienced nutritionists may be sought for better results and to ward off untoward outcomes associated with unwise and haphazard diet plans, and also, weight reducing exercises should be according to one’s age, sex, health and other relevant parameters.

Thus above all, dieting requires patience and self determination with holding realistic expectation and consistency in bringing change. In conclusion, we all must know and adhere to well known dictum that prevention is better than cure, which alone can save our precious health, time and hard earned assets.


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